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JNI の処理 : JNI Functions の処理 : JNI によるフィールドアクセス : FieldID の取得処理

該当する JNI 関数


jfieldID の生成は, jfieldIDWorkaround クラスが行っている (See: jfieldIDWorkaround).

jfieldID 値のエンコード方式は以下の通り.


    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/jfieldIDWorkaround.hpp))
      // This workaround is because JVMTI doesn't have distinct entry points
      // for methods that use static jfieldIDs and instance jfieldIDs.
      // The workaround is to steal a low-order bit:
      //   a 1 means the jfieldID is an instance jfieldID,
      //             and the rest of the word is the offset of the field.
      //   a 0 means the jfieldID is a static jfieldID,
      //             and the rest of the word is the JNIid*.
      // Another low-order bit is used to mark if an instance field
      // is accompanied by an indication of which class it applies to.
      // Bit-format of a jfieldID (most significant first):
      //  address:30        instance=0:1 checked=0:1
      //  offset:30         instance=1:1 checked=0:1
      //  klass:23 offset:7 instance=1:1 checked=1:1
      // If the offset does not fit in 7 bits, or if the fieldID is
      // not checked, then the checked bit is zero and the rest of
      // the word (30 bits) contains only the offset.

処理の流れ (概要)(Execution Flows : Summary)

GetFieldID() の処理

-> instanceKlass::find_field()
-> jfieldIDWorkaround::to_instance_jfieldID()

GetStaticFieldID() の処理

-> instanceKlass::find_field()
-> instanceKlass::jni_id_for()
   -> instanceKlass::jni_id_for_impl()
-> jfieldIDWorkaround::to_static_jfieldID()

処理の流れ (詳細)(Execution Flows : Details)


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details

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