oopDesc クラス用のユーティリティ・クラス.
この中に oopDesc クラス (およびそのサブクラス) 用のファクトリメソッドを実装されている (つまり oopDesc 用のファクトリクラス) (より正確には, そのための機能を納めた名前空間(AllStatic クラス)).
ほとんどの (全ての?) oopDesc オブジェクトはこのクラスによって生成される模様 (#TODO).
(See: here for details) (See: here, here, here and here for details)
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/oopFactory.hpp))
// oopFactory is a class used for creating new objects.
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/oopFactory.hpp))
class oopFactory: AllStatic {
各 oopDesc クラスに対応する以下のようなファクトリメソッド (new_*() メソッド) を提供している.
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/memory/oopFactory.hpp))
// Basic type leaf array allocation
static typeArrayOop new_boolArray (int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::boolArrayKlassObj ())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_charArray (int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::charArrayKlassObj ())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_singleArray(int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::singleArrayKlassObj())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_doubleArray(int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::doubleArrayKlassObj())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_byteArray (int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::byteArrayKlassObj ())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_shortArray (int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::shortArrayKlassObj ())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_intArray (int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::intArrayKlassObj ())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
static typeArrayOop new_longArray (int length, TRAPS) { return typeArrayKlass::cast(Universe::longArrayKlassObj ())->allocate(length, CHECK_NULL); }
// create java.lang.Object[]
static objArrayOop new_objectArray(int length, TRAPS) {
static typeArrayOop new_charArray (const char* utf8_str, TRAPS);
static typeArrayOop new_permanent_charArray (int length, TRAPS);
static typeArrayOop new_permanent_byteArray (int length, TRAPS); // used for class file structures
static typeArrayOop new_permanent_shortArray(int length, TRAPS); // used for class file structures
static typeArrayOop new_permanent_intArray (int length, TRAPS); // used for class file structures
static typeArrayOop new_typeArray(BasicType type, int length, TRAPS);
static constantPoolOop new_constantPool (int length,
static constantPoolCacheOop new_constantPoolCache(int length,
static klassOop new_instanceKlass(Symbol* name,
static constMethodOop new_constMethod(int byte_code_size,
static methodOop new_method(int byte_code_size,
static methodDataOop new_methodData(methodHandle method, TRAPS);
static objArrayOop new_system_objArray(int length, TRAPS);
static objArrayOop new_objArray(klassOop klass, int length, TRAPS);
static compiledICHolderOop new_compiledICHolder(methodHandle method, KlassHandle klass, TRAPS);
See: here for details
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