Assembler クラス用の補助クラス.
オペランドとしての「レジスタ」を表すクラスの基底クラス (See: here for details).
なお, 具体的な RegisterImpl クラス (AbstractRegisterImpl のサブクラス) は cpu/ 下で定義されている (See: hotspot/src/cpu/${cpu}/vm/register_${cpu}.hpp).
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/asm/register.hpp))
// The super class for platform specific registers. Instead of using value objects,
// registers are implemented as pointers. Subclassing is used so all registers can
// use the debugging suport below. No virtual functions are used for efficiency.
// They are canonicalized; i.e., registers are equal if their pointers are equal,
// and vice versa. A concrete implementation may just map the register onto 'this'.
class AbstractRegisterImpl {
なお AbstractRegister という型も使われるが, これは AbstractRegisterImpl* のこと.
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/asm/register.hpp))
typedef AbstractRegisterImpl* AbstractRegister;
See: here for details
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