
Symbol クラス



constant pool 内の「シンボル名」を表すクラス (e.g. クラス名, メソッド名, etc). 1つの Symbol オブジェクトが 1つの「シンボル名」に対応する.

なお, 全ての Symbol オブジェクトは SymbolTable クラスによって管理されている. Symbol オブジェクトの生成も SymbolTable クラスのファクトリメソッド経由で行われる (See: SymbolTable).

また, Symbol オブジェクトは GC ではなく独自の reference count によって管理されている.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/symbol.hpp))
    // A Symbol is a canonicalized string.
    // All Symbols reside in global SymbolTable and are reference counted.
    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/symbol.hpp))
    class Symbol : public CHeapObj {


インスタンスの格納場所(where its instances are stored)

SymbolTable クラスの _the_table フィールド (static フィールド) に格納されている.

(正確には, このフィールドは SymbolTable を格納するフィールド. SymbolTable クラス自体が Hashtable<Symbol*> のサブクラスなのでそのハッシュ内に格納される. この中に生成された全ての Symbol オブジェクトが格納されている)

生成箇所(where its instances are created)


内部構造(Internal structure)

Symbol オブジェクトの削除は以下の reference counting によって行われている模様 (#TODO).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/symbol.hpp))
    // Reference counting
    // All Symbols are allocated and added to the SymbolTable.
    // When a class is unloaded, the reference counts of the Symbol pointers in
    // the ConstantPool and in instanceKlass (see release_C_heap_structures) are
    // decremented.  When the reference count for a Symbol goes to 0, the garbage
    // collector can free the Symbol and remove it from the SymbolTable.
    // 0) Symbols need to be reference counted when a pointer to the Symbol is
    // saved in persistent storage.  This does not include the pointer
    // in the SymbolTable bucket (the _literal field in HashtableEntry)
    // that points to the Symbol.  All other stores of a Symbol*
    // to a field of a persistent variable (e.g., the _name filed in
    // FieldAccessInfo or _ptr in a CPSlot) is reference counted.
    // 1) The lookup of a "name" in the SymbolTable either creates a Symbol F for
    // "name" and returns a pointer to F or finds a pre-existing Symbol F for
    // "name" and returns a pointer to it. In both cases the reference count for F
    // is incremented under the assumption that a pointer to F will be created from
    // the return value. Thus the increment of the reference count is on the lookup
    // and not on the assignment to the new Symbol*.  That is
    //    Symbol* G = lookup()
    //                ^ increment on lookup()
    // and not
    //    Symbol* G = lookup()
    //              ^ increment on assignmnet
    // The reference count must be decremented manually when the copy of the
    // pointer G is destroyed.
    // 2) For a local Symbol* A that is a copy of an existing Symbol* B, the
    // reference counting is elided when the scope of B is greater than the scope
    // of A.  For example, in the code fragment
    // below "klass" is passed as a parameter to the method.  Symbol* "kn"
    // is a copy of the name in "klass".
    //   Symbol*  kn = klass->name();
    //   unsigned int d_hash = dictionary()->compute_hash(kn, class_loader);
    // The scope of "klass" is greater than the scope of "kn" so the reference
    // counting for "kn" is elided.
    // Symbol* copied from ConstantPool entries are good candidates for reference
    // counting elision.  The ConstantPool entries for a class C exist until C is
    // unloaded.  If a Symbol* is copied out of the ConstantPool into Symbol* X,
    // the Symbol* in the ConstantPool will in general out live X so the reference
    // counting on X can be elided.
    // For cases where the scope of A is not greater than the scope of B,
    // the reference counting is explicitly done.  See ciSymbol,
    // ResolutionErrorEntry and ClassVerifier for examples.
    // 3) When a Symbol K is created for temporary use, generally for substrings of
    // an existing symbol or to create a new symbol, assign it to a
    // TempNewSymbol. The SymbolTable methods new_symbol(), lookup()
    // and probe() all potentially return a pointer to a new Symbol.
    // The allocation (or lookup) of K increments the reference count for K
    // and the destructor decrements the reference count.
    // Another example of TempNewSymbol usage is parsed_name used in
    // ClassFileParser::parseClassFile() where parsed_name is used in the cleanup
    // after a failed attempt to load a class.  Here parsed_name is a
    // TempNewSymbol (passed in as a parameter) so the reference count on its symbol
    // will be decremented when it goes out of scope.


See: here for details

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