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Serviceability 機能 : HotSpot Monitoring and Management Interface (JMM) : 各種 Platform MXBean クラスの処理 : スレッド毎の CPU 使用時間の取得処理 (java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean.get*Time() の処理)


これらは JSR-174 標準のスレッドアカウンティング機能, および HotSpot 独自のアカウンティング機能. このうち HotSpot 独自のメソッド (= com.sun.management.ThreadMXBean で追加されているメソッド) は以下の 2つ.

ただし, どのメソッドも最終的には各 OS が提供しているアカウンティング機能を呼び出すだけ. より具体的に言うと, 各 OS の以下の機能を利用する (See: os::current_thread_cpu_time(), os::thread_cpu_time()).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/os.hpp))
      // JVMTI & JVM monitoring and management support
      // The thread_cpu_time() and current_thread_cpu_time() are only
      // supported if is_thread_cpu_time_supported() returns true.
      // They are not supported on Solaris T1.

      // Thread CPU Time - return the fast estimate on a platform
      // On Solaris - call gethrvtime (fast) - user time only
      // On Linux   - fast clock_gettime where available - user+sys
      //            - otherwise: very slow /proc fs - user+sys
      // On Windows - GetThreadTimes - user+sys
      static jlong current_thread_cpu_time();
      static jlong thread_cpu_time(Thread* t);

      // Thread CPU Time with user_sys_cpu_time parameter.
      // If user_sys_cpu_time is true, user+sys time is returned.
      // Otherwise, only user time is returned
      static jlong current_thread_cpu_time(bool user_sys_cpu_time);
      static jlong thread_cpu_time(Thread* t, bool user_sys_cpu_time);


Solaris 上での実装について:

    ((cite: hotspot/src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp))
    // JVMTI & JVM monitoring and management support
    // The thread_cpu_time() and current_thread_cpu_time() are only
    // supported if is_thread_cpu_time_supported() returns true.
    // They are not supported on Solaris T1.

    // current_thread_cpu_time(bool) and thread_cpu_time(Thread*, bool)
    // are used by JVM M&M and JVMTI to get user+sys or user CPU time
    // of a thread.
    // current_thread_cpu_time() and thread_cpu_time(Thread *)
    // returns the fast estimate available on the platform.

処理の流れ (概要)(Execution Flows : Summary)

-> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadTotalCpuTime0()
   -> Java_sun_management_ThreadImpl_getThreadTotalCpuTime0()
      -> jmm_GetThreadCpuTimeWithKind()
         -> os::current_thread_cpu_time()
         -> os::thread_cpu_time()
sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadCpuTime(long id)
-> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadCpuTime(long[] ids)
   -> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadTotalCpuTime0()
      -> (同上)
   -> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadTotalCpuTime1()
      -> Java_sun_management_ThreadImpl_getThreadTotalCpuTime1()
         -> jmm_GetThreadCpuTimesWithKind()
            -> os::thread_cpu_time()
sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadCpuTime(long[] ids)
-> (同上)
-> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserCpuTime0()
   -> Java_sun_management_ThreadImpl_getThreadUserCpuTime0()
      -> jmm_GetThreadCpuTimeWithKind()
         -> (同上)
sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserTime(long id)
-> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserTime(long[] ids)
   -> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserCpuTime0()
      -> (同上)
   -> sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserCpuTime1()
      -> Java_sun_management_ThreadImpl_getThreadUserCpuTime1()
         -> jmm_GetThreadCpuTimesWithKind()
            -> (同上)
sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserTime(long[] ids)
-> (同上)

処理の流れ (詳細)(Execution Flows : Details)


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details

sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadCpuTime(long id)

See: here for details

sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadCpuTime(long[] ids)

See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details


See: here for details

sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserTime(long id)

See: here for details

sun.management.ThreadImpl.getThreadUserTime(long[] ids)

See: here for details


See: here for details

os::current_thread_cpu_time(bool user_sys_cpu_time) (Solaris の場合)

See: here for details

os::thread_cpu_time() (Solaris の場合)

See: here for details

os::current_thread_cpu_time() (Solaris の場合)

See: here for details

os::current_thread_cpu_time() (Linux の場合)

See: here for details

os::Linux::fast_thread_cpu_time() (Linux の場合)

See: here for details

slow_thread_cpu_time() (Linux の場合)

See: here for details

os::thread_cpu_time() (Linux の場合)

See: here for details

os::current_thread_cpu_time() (Windows の場合)

See: here for details

os::thread_cpu_time() (Windows の場合)

See: here for details

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