
Deoptimization クラス関連のクラス (Deoptimization, Deoptimization::UnrollBlock, DeoptimizationMarker, 及びそれらの補助クラス(FieldReassigner))

これらは, JIT Compiler 用のクラス. より具体的に言うと, 脱最適化処理で使用されるクラス (See: here for details).

クラス一覧(class list)



脱最適化処理(Deoptimization)を行うためのクラス (より正確には, そのための機能を納めた名前空間(AllStatic クラス)) (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
    class Deoptimization : AllStatic {

内部構造(Internal structure)


定義されている定数値は, 以下の通り.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      // What condition caused the deoptimization?
      enum DeoptReason {
        Reason_many = -1,             // indicates presence of several reasons
        Reason_none = 0,              // indicates absence of a relevant deopt.
        // Next 7 reasons are recorded per bytecode in DataLayout::trap_bits
        Reason_null_check,            // saw unexpected null or zero divisor (@bci)
        Reason_null_assert,           // saw unexpected non-null or non-zero (@bci)
        Reason_range_check,           // saw unexpected array index (@bci)
        Reason_class_check,           // saw unexpected object class (@bci)
        Reason_array_check,           // saw unexpected array class (aastore @bci)
        Reason_intrinsic,             // saw unexpected operand to intrinsic (@bci)
        Reason_bimorphic,             // saw unexpected object class in bimorphic inlining (@bci)

        Reason_unloaded,              // unloaded class or constant pool entry
        Reason_uninitialized,         // bad class state (uninitialized)
        Reason_unreached,             // code is not reached, compiler
        Reason_unhandled,             // arbitrary compiler limitation
        Reason_constraint,            // arbitrary runtime constraint violated
        Reason_div0_check,            // a null_check due to division by zero
        Reason_age,                   // nmethod too old; tier threshold reached
        Reason_predicate,             // compiler generated predicate failed
        Reason_loop_limit_check,      // compiler generated loop limits check failed
        // Note:  Keep this enum in sync. with _trap_reason_name.
        Reason_RECORDED_LIMIT = Reason_bimorphic  // some are not recorded per bc
        // Note:  Reason_RECORDED_LIMIT should be < 8 to fit into 3 bits of
        // DataLayout::trap_bits.  This dependency is enforced indirectly
        // via asserts, to avoid excessive direct header-to-header dependencies.
        // See Deoptimization::trap_state_reason and class DataLayout.

      // What action must be taken by the runtime?
      enum DeoptAction {
        Action_none,                  // just interpret, do not invalidate nmethod
        Action_maybe_recompile,       // recompile the nmethod; need not invalidate
        Action_reinterpret,           // invalidate the nmethod, reset IC, maybe recompile
        Action_make_not_entrant,      // invalidate the nmethod, recompile (probably)
        Action_make_not_compilable,   // invalidate the nmethod and do not compile
        // Note:  Keep this enum in sync. with _trap_action_name.

      enum {
        _action_bits = 3,
        _reason_bits = 5,
        _action_shift = 0,
        _reason_shift = _action_shift+_action_bits,
        BC_CASE_LIMIT = PRODUCT_ONLY(1) NOT_PRODUCT(4) // for _deoptimization_hist

      enum UnpackType {
        Unpack_deopt                = 0, // normal deoptimization, use pc computed in unpack_vframe_on_stack
        Unpack_exception            = 1, // exception is pending
        Unpack_uncommon_trap        = 2, // redo last byte code (C2 only)
        Unpack_reexecute            = 3  // reexecute bytecode (C1 only)

定義されている public メソッドは, 以下の通り.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      // Checks all compiled methods. Invalid methods are deleted and
      // corresponding activations are deoptimized.
      static int deoptimize_dependents();

      // Deoptimizes a frame lazily. nmethod gets patched deopt happens on return to the frame
      static void deoptimize(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map);
    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      static vframeArray* create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk);
    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      //** Returns an UnrollBlock continuing information
      // how to make room for the resulting interpreter frames.
      // Called by assembly stub after execution has returned to
      // deoptimized frame.
      // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
      // @see OptoRuntime::deoptimization_fetch_unroll_info_C
      static UnrollBlock* fetch_unroll_info(JavaThread* thread);

      //** Unpacks vframeArray onto execution stack
      // Called by assembly stub after execution has returned to
      // deoptimized frame and after the stack unrolling.
      // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
      // @argument exec_mode.  Determines how execution should be continuted in top frame.
      //                       0 means continue after current byte code
      //                       1 means exception has happened, handle exception
      //                       2 means reexecute current bytecode (for uncommon traps).
      // @see OptoRuntime::deoptimization_unpack_frames_C
      // Return BasicType of call return type, if any
      static BasicType unpack_frames(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode);

      // Cleans up deoptimization bits on thread after unpacking or in the
      // case of an exception.
      static void cleanup_deopt_info(JavaThread  *thread,
                                     vframeArray * array);

      // Restores callee saved values from deoptimized frame into oldest interpreter frame
      // so caller of the deoptimized frame will get back the values it expects.
      static void unwind_callee_save_values(frame* f, vframeArray* vframe_array);

      //** Performs an uncommon trap for compiled code.
      // The top most compiler frame is converted into interpreter frames
      static UnrollBlock* uncommon_trap(JavaThread* thread, jint unloaded_class_index);
      // Helper routine that enters the VM and may block
      static void uncommon_trap_inner(JavaThread* thread, jint unloaded_class_index);

      //** Deoptimizes the frame identified by id.
      // Only called from VMDeoptimizeFrame
      // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
      // @argument id.         id of frame that should be deoptimized.
      static void deoptimize_frame_internal(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id);

      // If thread is not the current thread then execute
      // VM_DeoptimizeFrame otherwise deoptimize directly.
      static void deoptimize_frame(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id);

      // Statistics
      static void gather_statistics(DeoptReason reason, DeoptAction action,
                                    Bytecodes::Code bc = Bytecodes::_illegal);
      static void print_statistics();

      // How much room to adjust the last frame's SP by, to make space for
      // the callee's interpreter frame (which expects locals to be next to
      // incoming arguments)
      static int last_frame_adjust(int callee_parameters, int callee_locals);

      // trap_request codes
      static DeoptReason trap_request_reason(int trap_request) {
      static DeoptAction trap_request_action(int trap_request) {
      static int trap_request_index(int trap_request) {
      static int make_trap_request(DeoptReason reason, DeoptAction action,
                                   int index = -1) {

      // The trap_state stored in a MDO is decoded here.
      // It records two items of information.
      //  reason:  If a deoptimization happened here, what its reason was,
      //           or if there were multiple deopts with differing reasons.
      //  recompiled: If a deoptimization here triggered a recompilation.
      // Note that not all reasons are recorded per-bci.
      static DeoptReason trap_state_reason(int trap_state);
      static int  trap_state_has_reason(int trap_state, int reason);
      static int  trap_state_add_reason(int trap_state, int reason);
      static bool trap_state_is_recompiled(int trap_state);
      static int  trap_state_set_recompiled(int trap_state, bool z);
      static const char* format_trap_state(char* buf, size_t buflen,
                                           int trap_state);

      static bool reason_is_recorded_per_bytecode(DeoptReason reason) {

      static DeoptReason reason_recorded_per_bytecode_if_any(DeoptReason reason) {

      static const char* trap_reason_name(int reason);
      static const char* trap_action_name(int action);
      // Format like reason='foo' action='bar' index='123'.
      // This is suitable both for XML and for tty output.
      static const char* format_trap_request(char* buf, size_t buflen,
                                             int trap_request);

      static jint total_deoptimization_count();
      static jint deoptimization_count(DeoptReason reason);

      // JVMTI PopFrame support

      // Preserves incoming arguments to the popped frame when it is
      // returning to a deoptimized caller
      static void popframe_preserve_args(JavaThread* thread, int bytes_to_save, void* start_address);
    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      static void update_method_data_from_interpreter(methodDataHandle trap_mdo, int trap_bci, int reason);


See: here for details



Deoptimization クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

脱最適化対象となったスタックフレームの情報を記録しておくためのクラス. これらの情報は, 脱最適化で Interpreter フレームを構築する処理, および構築後に Interpreter フレーム内の値を埋める際に使用される.

(なお, 構築後に Interpreter フレーム内の値を埋める処理は vframeArray クラスと組み合わせて使用される)

(なお, vframeArray クラスと同様, CHeapObj クラスになっているが本質的には ResourceObj クラスにしても問題ない. 後から中身を参照できるとデバッグ時に便利なので CHeapObj となっているだけ).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      // Interface used for unpacking deoptimized frames

      // UnrollBlock is returned by fetch_unroll_info() to the deoptimization handler (blob).
      // This is only a CheapObj to ease debugging after a deopt failure
      class UnrollBlock : public CHeapObj {


インスタンスの格納場所(where its instances are stored)

各 vframeArray オブジェクトの _unroll_block フィールドに(のみ)格納されている.

ただし, Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info() および Deoptimization::uncommon_trap() の返値としても返されており, この値が呼び出し元のフレーム内で局所的に使用されている. 具体的に言うと, 以下のレジスタ内に格納されている.

生成箇所(where its instances are created)

Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info_helper() 内で(のみ)生成されている.

使用箇所(where its instances are used)


削除箇所(where its instances are deleted)


(より正確に言うと, JavaThread::vframe_array_last フィールドの vframeArray が削除され, JavaThread::_vframe_array_head フィールドの vframeArray が JavaThread::vframe_array_last フィールドに移される)

(より正確に言うと, JavaThread::_vframe_array_last フィールドの vframeArray が削除される)


See: here for details



保守運用機能のためのクラス (関連するオプションが指定されている場合にのみ使用される) (See: -Xprof).

FlatProfiler クラス用の補助クラス. 現在 Deoptimization 処理(脱最適化処理)が実行中かどうかを示す.

(より具体的に言うと, ソースコード中のあるスコープの間だけ, DeoptimizationMarker::_is_active という static フィールドの値を true にするためのクラス(StackObjクラス))

(FlatProfiler は定期的に統計情報のサンプリング処理を行う. その処理の1つに, サンプリング時に脱最適化処理が実行中であれば FlatProfiler::deopt_ticks フィールドをインクリメントするというものがある. DeoptimizationMarker はこれを実現するためのクラス (See: FlatProfiler::record_vm_operation()))

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
    class DeoptimizationMarker : StackObj {  // for profiling


使用方法の概要(how to use)

コード中で DeoptimizationMarker 型の局所変数を宣言するだけ.


使用箇所(where its instances are used)


内部構造(Internal structure)

コンストラクタで DeoptimizationMarker::_is_active を true にセットし, デストラクタで false に戻すだけ.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.hpp))
      DeoptimizationMarker()  { _is_active = true; }
      ~DeoptimizationMarker() { _is_active = false; }


See: here for details



Deoptimization クラス内で使用される補助クラス(Closureクラス).

脱最適化処理の際に, エスケープ解析によってスタックフレーム上に確保されたオブジェクトについて, そのフィールドの値をヒープ上に確保したオブジェクト内に移し替えるための Closure クラス.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/deoptimization.cpp))
    // This assumes that the fields are stored in ObjectValue in the same order
    // they are yielded by do_nonstatic_fields.
    class FieldReassigner: public FieldClosure {


Deoptimization::reassign_fields() 内で(のみ)使用されている.


See: here for details

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