
HeapDumper クラス (HeapDumper, 及びその補助クラス(DumpWriter, DumperSupport, SymbolTableDumper, JNILocalsDumper, JNIGlobalsDumper, MonitorUsedDumper, StickyClassDumper, HeapObjectDumper, VM_HeapDumper))

これらは, 保守運用機能のためのクラス. より具体的に言うと, Java ヒープの中身を (hprof フォーマットで) ファイルにダンプするためのクラス (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.hpp))
    // HeapDumper is used to dump the java heap to file in HPROF binary format:

参考(for your information): hprof フォーマット

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
     * HPROF binary format - description copied from:
     *   src/share/demo/jvmti/hprof/hprof_io.c
     *  header    "JAVA PROFILE 1.0.1" or "JAVA PROFILE 1.0.2"
     *            (0-terminated)
     *  u4        size of identifiers. Identifiers are used to represent
     *            UTF8 strings, objects, stack traces, etc. They usually
     *            have the same size as host pointers. For example, on
     *            Solaris and Win32, the size is 4.
     * u4         high word
     * u4         low word    number of milliseconds since 0:00 GMT, 1/1/70
     * [record]*  a sequence of records.
     * Record format:
     * u1         a TAG denoting the type of the record
     * u4         number of *microseconds* since the time stamp in the
     *            header. (wraps around in a little more than an hour)
     * u4         number of bytes *remaining* in the record. Note that
     *            this number excludes the tag and the length field itself.
     * [u1]*      BODY of the record (a sequence of bytes)
     * The following TAGs are supported:
     * TAG           BODY       notes
     * HPROF_UTF8               a UTF8-encoded name
     *               id         name ID
     *               [u1]*      UTF8 characters (no trailing zero)
     * HPROF_LOAD_CLASS         a newly loaded class
     *                u4        class serial number (> 0)
     *                id        class object ID
     *                u4        stack trace serial number
     *                id        class name ID
     * HPROF_UNLOAD_CLASS       an unloading class
     *                u4        class serial_number
     * HPROF_FRAME              a Java stack frame
     *                id        stack frame ID
     *                id        method name ID
     *                id        method signature ID
     *                id        source file name ID
     *                u4        class serial number
     *                i4        line number. >0: normal
     *                                       -1: unknown
     *                                       -2: compiled method
     *                                       -3: native method
     * HPROF_TRACE              a Java stack trace
     *               u4         stack trace serial number
     *               u4         thread serial number
     *               u4         number of frames
     *               [id]*      stack frame IDs
     * HPROF_ALLOC_SITES        a set of heap allocation sites, obtained after GC
     *               u2         flags 0x0001: incremental vs. complete
     *                                0x0002: sorted by allocation vs. live
     *                                0x0004: whether to force a GC
     *               u4         cutoff ratio
     *               u4         total live bytes
     *               u4         total live instances
     *               u8         total bytes allocated
     *               u8         total instances allocated
     *               u4         number of sites that follow
     *               [u1        is_array: 0:  normal object
     *                                    2:  object array
     *                                    4:  boolean array
     *                                    5:  char array
     *                                    6:  float array
     *                                    7:  double array
     *                                    8:  byte array
     *                                    9:  short array
     *                                    10: int array
     *                                    11: long array
     *                u4        class serial number (may be zero during startup)
     *                u4        stack trace serial number
     *                u4        number of bytes alive
     *                u4        number of instances alive
     *                u4        number of bytes allocated
     *                u4]*      number of instance allocated
     * HPROF_START_THREAD       a newly started thread.
     *               u4         thread serial number (> 0)
     *               id         thread object ID
     *               u4         stack trace serial number
     *               id         thread name ID
     *               id         thread group name ID
     *               id         thread group parent name ID
     * HPROF_END_THREAD         a terminating thread.
     *               u4         thread serial number
     * HPROF_HEAP_SUMMARY       heap summary
     *               u4         total live bytes
     *               u4         total live instances
     *               u8         total bytes allocated
     *               u8         total instances allocated
     * HPROF_HEAP_DUMP          denote a heap dump
     *               [heap dump sub-records]*
     *                          There are four kinds of heap dump sub-records:
     *               u1         sub-record type
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_UNKNOWN         unknown root
     *                          id         object ID
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_OBJ      thread object
     *                          id         thread object ID  (may be 0 for a
     *                                     thread newly attached through JNI)
     *                          u4         thread sequence number
     *                          u4         stack trace sequence number
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL      JNI global ref root
     *                          id         object ID
     *                          id         JNI global ref ID
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL       JNI local ref
     *                          id         object ID
     *                          u4         thread serial number
     *                          u4         frame # in stack trace (-1 for empty)
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_JAVA_FRAME      Java stack frame
     *                          id         object ID
     *                          u4         thread serial number
     *                          u4         frame # in stack trace (-1 for empty)
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_NATIVE_STACK    Native stack
     *                          id         object ID
     *                          u4         thread serial number
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS    System class
     *                          id         object ID
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_BLOCK    Reference from thread block
     *                          id         object ID
     *                          u4         thread serial number
     *               HPROF_GC_ROOT_MONITOR_USED    Busy monitor
     *                          id         object ID
     *               HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP           dump of a class object
     *                          id         class object ID
     *                          u4         stack trace serial number
     *                          id         super class object ID
     *                          id         class loader object ID
     *                          id         signers object ID
     *                          id         protection domain object ID
     *                          id         reserved
     *                          id         reserved
     *                          u4         instance size (in bytes)
     *                          u2         size of constant pool
     *                          [u2,       constant pool index,
     *                           ty,       type
     *                                     2:  object
     *                                     4:  boolean
     *                                     5:  char
     *                                     6:  float
     *                                     7:  double
     *                                     8:  byte
     *                                     9:  short
     *                                     10: int
     *                                     11: long
     *                           vl]*      and value
     *                          u2         number of static fields
     *                          [id,       static field name,
     *                           ty,       type,
     *                           vl]*      and value
     *                          u2         number of inst. fields (not inc. super)
     *                          [id,       instance field name,
     *                           ty]*      type
     *               HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP        dump of a normal object
     *                          id         object ID
     *                          u4         stack trace serial number
     *                          id         class object ID
     *                          u4         number of bytes that follow
     *                          [vl]*      instance field values (class, followed
     *                                     by super, super's super ...)
     *               HPROF_GC_OBJ_ARRAY_DUMP       dump of an object array
     *                          id         array object ID
     *                          u4         stack trace serial number
     *                          u4         number of elements
     *                          id         array class ID
     *                          [id]*      elements
     *               HPROF_GC_PRIM_ARRAY_DUMP      dump of a primitive array
     *                          id         array object ID
     *                          u4         stack trace serial number
     *                          u4         number of elements
     *                          u1         element type
     *                                     4:  boolean array
     *                                     5:  char array
     *                                     6:  float array
     *                                     7:  double array
     *                                     8:  byte array
     *                                     9:  short array
     *                                     10: int array
     *                                     11: long array
     *                          [u1]*      elements
     * HPROF_CPU_SAMPLES        a set of sample traces of running threads
     *                u4        total number of samples
     *                u4        # of traces
     *               [u4        # of samples
     *                u4]*      stack trace serial number
     * HPROF_CONTROL_SETTINGS   the settings of on/off switches
     *                u4        0x00000001: alloc traces on/off
     *                          0x00000002: cpu sampling on/off
     *                u2        stack trace depth
     * When the header is "JAVA PROFILE 1.0.2" a heap dump can optionally
     * be generated as a sequence of heap dump segments. This sequence is
     * terminated by an end record. The additional tags allowed by format
     * "JAVA PROFILE 1.0.2" are:
     * HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_SEGMENT  denote a heap dump segment
     *               [heap dump sub-records]*
     *               The same sub-record types allowed by HPROF_HEAP_DUMP
     * HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END      denotes the end of a heap dump

クラス一覧(class list)



保守運用機能のためのクラス (関連する serviceability 機能からのみ使用される).

Java ヒープの中身を (hprof フォーマットで) ファイルにダンプするための一時オブジェクト(StackObjクラス) (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.hpp))
    class HeapDumper : public StackObj {


使用方法の概要(how to use)

HeapDumper 型の局所変数を作り, HeapDumper::dump() メソッドを呼び出すだけ.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.hpp))
    //  { HeapDumper dumper(true /* full GC before heap dump */);
    //    if (dumper.dump("/export/java.hprof")) {
    //      ResourceMark rm;
    //      tty->print_cr("Dump failed: %s", dumper.error_as_C_string());
    //    } else {
    //      // dump succeeded
    //    }
    //  }

あるいは, インスタンスを作らずに HeapDumper::dump_heap() を直接呼ぶという手もある模様 (この場合は内部でインスタンスが作られた後 dump() が呼び出される).

使用箇所(where its instances are used)


Platform MXBean である クラス用の補助関数. から(のみ)呼び出される.

保守運用機能用の関数. GC 実行前に呼び出され, 関連するコマンドラインオプションの値に応じてヒープの情報を出力する. HeapDumpBeforeFullGC オプションが指定されていると, HeapDumper が呼び出される.

保守運用機能用の関数. GC 実行後に呼び出され, 関連するコマンドラインオプションの値に応じてヒープの情報を出力する. HeapDumpAfterFullGC オプションが指定されていると, HeapDumper が呼び出される.

Attach API の "dumpheap" コマンドの処理を行う関数.


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

ダンプの出力先ファイルを管理する (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Supports I/O operations on a dump file

    class DumpWriter : public StackObj {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

ダンプ用のユーティリティ関数を納めた名前空間(AllStatic クラス) (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class with a collection of functions used when dumping the heap

    class DumperSupport : AllStatic {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

SymbolTable 内の情報を元に HPROF_UTF8 record を出力する (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class used to generate HPROF_UTF8 records from the entries in the
    // SymbolTable.

    class SymbolTableDumper : public SymbolClosure {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL レコードの出力を行う (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class used to generate HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL records

    class JNILocalsDumper : public OopClosure {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL レコードの出力を行う (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class used to generate HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL records

    class JNIGlobalsDumper : public OopClosure {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

HPROF_GC_ROOT_MONITOR_USED レコードの出力を行う (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class used to generate HPROF_GC_ROOT_MONITOR_USED records

    class MonitorUsedDumper : public OopClosure {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

HPROF_GC_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS レコードの出力を行う (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class used to generate HPROF_GC_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS records

    class StickyClassDumper : public OopClosure {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP レコードや HPROF_GC_OBJ_ARRAY_DUMPレコード, HPROF_GC_PRIM_ARRAY_DUMP レコードの出力を行う (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // Support class using when iterating over the heap.

    class HeapObjectDumper : public ObjectClosure {


See: here for details



HeapDumper クラス内で使用される補助クラス.

スレッドを停止させた状態でダンプ処理を行うための VM_GC_Operation クラス. 実際のダンプ処理はこのクラス内で行われる (See: here for details).

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/services/heapDumper.cpp))
    // The VM operation that performs the heap dump
    class VM_HeapDumper : public VM_GC_Operation {


See: here for details

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