
PhaseLive クラス



PhaseChaitin クラス内で使用される補助クラス (つまり, このクラスは現在はレジスタ割り当て処理でのみ使用されている).

Phase クラスの具象サブクラスの1つ. 生存区間解析(liveness analysis)を行う.

    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/live.hpp))
    // Compute live-in/live-out
    class PhaseLive : public Phase {
    ((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/live.cpp))
    // Compute live-in/live-out.  We use a totally incremental algorithm.  The LIVE
    // problem is monotonic.  The steady-state solution looks like this: pull a
    // block from the worklist.  It has a set of delta's - values which are newly
    // live-in from the block.  Push these to the live-out sets of all predecessor
    // blocks.  At each predecessor, the new live-out values are ANDed with what is
    // already live-out (extra stuff is added to the live-out sets).  Then the
    // remaining new live-out values are ANDed with what is locally defined.
    // Leftover bits become the new live-in for the predecessor block, and the pred
    // block is put on the worklist.
    //   The locally live-in stuff is computed once and added to predecessor
    // live-out sets.  This separate compilation is done in the outer loop below.

(#TODO MethodLiveness と PhaseLive と buildOopMap でやっている liveness analysis はそれぞれどう違う?)


PhaseChaitin::Register_Allocate() 内で(のみ)使用されている.


See: here for details

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