ADLC と HotSpot 内で共通で使われる定数や補助関数を納めた名前空間(AllStatic クラス).
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/adlcVMDeps.hpp))
// Declare commonly known constant and data structures between the
// ADLC and the VM
class AdlcVMDeps : public AllStatic {
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/adlcVMDeps.hpp))
// Mirror of TypeFunc types
enum { Control, I_O, Memory, FramePtr, ReturnAdr, Parms };
enum Cisc_Status { Not_cisc_spillable = -1 };
// Mirror of OptoReg::Name names
enum Name {
Physical = 0 // Start of physical regs
// relocInfo
static const char* oop_reloc_type() { return "relocInfo::oop_type"; }
static const char* none_reloc_type() { return "relocInfo::none"; }
See: here for details
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