
定義場所(file name)



(なおコメントによると, このメソッドは ConcurrentMarkSweepThread のメソッドだが JavaThread からしか呼び出されない. 現状では, 起動時に main/Primordial (Java)Thread から呼び出されるだけ. 将来的には CMS thread 自身が SurrogateLockerThread を作るようにすべきか検討する, とのこと.)

// Note: this method, although exported by the ConcurrentMarkSweepThread,
// which is a non-JavaThread, can only be called by a JavaThread.
// Currently this is done at vm creation time (post-vm-init) by the
// main/Primordial (Java)Thread.
// XXX Consider changing this in the future to allow the CMS thread
// itself to create this thread?

名前(function name)

void ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::makeSurrogateLockerThread(TRAPS) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (assert)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      assert(UseConcMarkSweepGC, "SLT thread needed only for CMS GC");
      assert(_slt == NULL, "SLT already created");

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) SurrogateLockerThread::make() で SurrogateLockerThread を生成し, _slt フィールドに格納する.
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      _slt = SurrogateLockerThread::make(THREAD);

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