
定義場所(file name)


名前(function name)

  ~ThreadInVMfromJavaNoAsyncException()  {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) ThreadStateTransition::trans() を呼び出して, JavaThreadState を _thread_in_Java に変更する.
      (Safepoint 処理が開始されていた場合は, この中でブロックする)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

        trans(_thread_in_vm, _thread_in_Java);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) JavaThread::has_special_runtime_exit_condition() を呼んで
      もし何か起きていたら, JavaThread::handle_special_runtime_exit_condition() を呼んで対処する.

      (なお, ThreadInVMfromJava とは異なり, 
       JavaThread::handle_special_runtime_exit_condition() は, 引数を false に指定して呼び出す.
       See: ThreadInVMfromJava::~ThreadInVMfromJava())
      ---------------------------------------- -}

        // NOTE: We do not check for pending. async. exceptions.
        // If we did and moved the pending async exception over into the
        // pending exception field, we would need to deopt (currently C2
        // only). However, to do so would require that we transition back
        // to the _thread_in_vm state. Instead we postpone the handling of
        // the async exception.

        // Check for pending. suspends only.
        if (_thread->has_special_runtime_exit_condition())

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