(#Under Construction)
各クラスの初期化状態は, 各 instanceKlass オブジェクトの _init_state フィールド (ClassState 型) で管理されている
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.hpp))
ClassState _init_state; // state of class
((cite: hotspot/src/share/vm/oops/instanceKlass.hpp))
// See "The Java Virtual Machine Specification" section 2.16.2-5 for a detailed description
// of the class loading & initialization procedure, and the use of the states.
enum ClassState {
unparsable_by_gc = 0, // object is not yet parsable by gc. Value of _init_state at object allocation.
allocated, // allocated (but not yet linked)
loaded, // loaded and inserted in class hierarchy (but not linked yet)
linked, // successfully linked/verified (but not initialized yet)
being_initialized, // currently running class initializer
fully_initialized, // initialized (successfull final state)
initialization_error // error happened during initialization
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