
定義場所(file name)


名前(function name)

void SystemDictionary::define_instance_class(instanceKlassHandle k, TRAPS) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (変数宣言など)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      Handle class_loader_h(THREAD, k->class_loader());

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (assert)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

     // for bootstrap and other parallel classloaders don't acquire lock,
     // use placeholder token
     // If a parallelCapable class loader calls define_instance_class instead of
     // find_or_define_instance_class to get here, we have a timing
     // hole with systemDictionary updates and check_constraints
     if (!class_loader_h.is_null() && !is_parallelCapable(class_loader_h)) {
             compute_loader_lock_object(class_loader_h, THREAD)),
             "define called without lock");

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) SystemDictionary::check_constraints() を呼んで, 
      Java 仮想マシン仕様の「ロード制約(loading constraints)」をチェックする.
      (ロード制約に違反するようなクラスロードが起こると LinkageError)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Check class-loading constraints. Throw exception if violation is detected.
      // Grabs and releases SystemDictionary_lock
      // The check_constraints/find_class call and update_dictionary sequence
      // must be "atomic" for a specific class/classloader pair so we never
      // define two different instanceKlasses for that class/classloader pair.
      // Existing classloaders will call define_instance_class with the
      // classloader lock held
      // Parallel classloaders will call find_or_define_instance_class
      // which will require a token to perform the define class
      Symbol*  name_h = k->name();
      unsigned int d_hash = dictionary()->compute_hash(name_h, class_loader_h);
      int d_index = dictionary()->hash_to_index(d_hash);
      check_constraints(d_index, d_hash, k, class_loader_h, true, CHECK);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) もし k 引数で指定されたクラスがシステムクラスでない場合は (= instanceKlass::class_loader() の返値が NULL でなければ), 
      JavaCalls::call() で java.lang.ClassLoader.addClass() メソッドを呼び出して
      (= クラスローダーの方からそのクラスへの参照を張っておく).

      (なおこの処理は SystemDictionary に登録する前に行っている.
       理由は, この処理の途中で OutOfMemoryError が生じる可能性が有り, 
       その場合は SystemDictionary に登録されないようにするため)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Register class just loaded with class loader (placed in Vector)
      // Note we do this before updating the dictionary, as this can
      // fail with an OutOfMemoryError (if it does, we will *not* put this
      // class in the dictionary and will not update the class hierarchy).
      if (k->class_loader() != NULL) {
        methodHandle m(THREAD, Universe::loader_addClass_method());
        JavaValue result(T_VOID);
        JavaCallArguments args(class_loader_h);
        args.push_oop(Handle(THREAD, k->java_mirror()));
        JavaCalls::call(&result, m, &args, CHECK);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) SystemDictionary::add_to_hierarchy() を呼んで ...(#TODO) する.
      その後, SystemDictionary::update_dictionary() を呼んで, 実際に SystemDictionary に登録する.

      (なお, これらの処理は Compile_lock で排他した状態で行う)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Add the new class. We need recompile lock during update of CHA.
        unsigned int p_hash = placeholders()->compute_hash(name_h, class_loader_h);
        int p_index = placeholders()->hash_to_index(p_hash);

        MutexLocker mu_r(Compile_lock, THREAD);

        // Add to class hierarchy, initialize vtables, and do possible
        // deoptimizations.
        add_to_hierarchy(k, CHECK); // No exception, but can block

        // Add to systemDictionary - so other classes can see it.
        // Grabs and releases SystemDictionary_lock
        update_dictionary(d_index, d_hash, p_index, p_hash,
                          k, class_loader_h, THREAD);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (デバッグ用の処理) (関連する develop オプションが指定されている場合にのみ実行) (See: EagerInitialization)
      ---------------------------------------- -}


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (JVMTI のフック点)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // notify jvmti
      if (JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) {
          assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "thread->is_Java_thread()");
          JvmtiExport::post_class_load((JavaThread *) THREAD, k());


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