
定義場所(file name)



// This routine does not lock the system dictionary.
// Since readers don't hold a lock, we must make sure that system
// dictionary entries are only removed at a safepoint (when only one
// thread is running), and are added to in a safe way (all links must
// be updated in an MT-safe manner).
// Callers should be aware that an entry could be added just after
// _dictionary->bucket(index) is read here, so the caller will not see
// the new entry.

名前(function name)

klassOop SystemDictionary::find(Symbol* class_name,
                                Handle class_loader,
                                Handle protection_domain,
                                TRAPS) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (変数宣言など)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // UseNewReflection
      // The result of this call should be consistent with the result
      // of the call to resolve_instance_class_or_null().
      // See evaluation 6790209 and 4474172 for more details.
      class_loader = Handle(THREAD, java_lang_ClassLoader::non_reflection_class_loader(class_loader()));

      unsigned int d_hash = dictionary()->compute_hash(class_name, class_loader);
      int d_index = dictionary()->hash_to_index(d_hash);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) Dictionary::find() を呼んで
      引数で指定された klassOop を SystemDictionary 内から探し, 
      ---------------------------------------- -}

        // Note that we have an entry, and entries can be deleted only during GC,
        // so we cannot allow GC to occur while we're holding this entry.
        // We're using a No_Safepoint_Verifier to catch any place where we
        // might potentially do a GC at all.
        // SystemDictionary::do_unloading() asserts that classes are only
        // unloaded at a safepoint.
        No_Safepoint_Verifier nosafepoint;
        return dictionary()->find(d_index, d_hash, class_name, class_loader,
                                  protection_domain, THREAD);

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