
定義場所(file name)


名前(function name)

IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::_new(JavaThread* thread, constantPoolOopDesc* pool, int index))


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) constantPoolOopDesc::klass_at() を呼んで, 対象のクラス(klassOop)を取得する.
        (この際, 対象クラスが constantPoolOopDesc 中でまだ解決されてなければ解決も行われる)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      klassOop k_oop = pool->klass_at(index, CHECK);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (変数宣言など)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      instanceKlassHandle klass (THREAD, k_oop);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) instanceKlass::check_valid_for_instantiation() で new 対象のクラスが妥当かどうかをチェックする
      (インターフェースや abstract クラスに対して instantiate しようとしていたら InstantiationError)
      (See: instanceKlass::check_valid_for_instantiation())
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Make sure we are not instantiating an abstract klass
      klass->check_valid_for_instantiation(true, CHECK);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) instanceKlass::initialize() で, リンク&初期化を(もしまだ行われていなければ)実行する.
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Make sure klass is initialized

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) instanceKlass::allocate_instance() でメモリの確保を行う.
        (確保した結果は, JavaThread::set_vm_result() で JavaThread 内に格納してリターン)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // At this point the class may not be fully initialized
      // because of recursive initialization. If it is fully
      // initialized & has_finalized is not set, we rewrite
      // it into its fast version (Note: no locking is needed
      // here since this is an atomic byte write and can be
      // done more than once).
      // Note: In case of classes with has_finalized we don't
      //       rewrite since that saves us an extra check in
      //       the fast version which then would call the
      //       slow version anyway (and do a call back into
      //       Java).
      //       If we have a breakpoint, then we don't rewrite
      //       because the _breakpoint bytecode would be lost.
      oop obj = klass->allocate_instance(CHECK);

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