CardGeneration::CardGeneration(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_byte_size,
int level,
GenRemSet* remset) :
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) スーパークラスの初期化
---------------------------------------- -}
Generation(rs, initial_byte_size, level), _rs(remset)
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (変数宣言など)
---------------------------------------- -}
HeapWord* start = (HeapWord*)rs.base();
size_t reserved_byte_size = rs.size();
assert((uintptr_t(start) & 3) == 0, "bad alignment");
assert((reserved_byte_size & 3) == 0, "bad alignment");
MemRegion reserved_mr(start, heap_word_size(reserved_byte_size));
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) フィールドの初期化
---------------------------------------- -}
_bts = new BlockOffsetSharedArray(reserved_mr,
MemRegion committed_mr(start, heap_word_size(initial_byte_size));
if (_bts == NULL)
vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocate a BlockOffsetArray");
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (assert)
---------------------------------------- -}
// Verify that the start and end of this generation is the start of a card.
// If this wasn't true, a single card could span more than on generation,
// which would cause problems when we commit/uncommit memory, and when we
// clear and dirty cards.
guarantee(_rs->is_aligned(reserved_mr.start()), "generation must be card aligned");
if (reserved_mr.end() != Universe::heap()->reserved_region().end()) {
// Don't check at the very end of the heap as we'll assert that we're probing off
// the end if we try.
guarantee(_rs->is_aligned(reserved_mr.end()), "generation must be card aligned");
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