
定義場所(file name)



// Install a win32 structured exception handler around thread.

名前(function name)

void os::os_exception_wrapper(java_call_t f, JavaValue* value, methodHandle* method, JavaCallArguments* args, Thread* thread) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) SEH で囲んだ状態で, 引数で渡された関数を呼び出す.
      (なお, 例外ハンドラは topLevelExceptionFilter.
       See: [here](no30592eE.html) for details)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      __try {

    #ifndef AMD64
        // We store the current thread in this wrapperthread location
        // and determine how far away this address is from the structured
        // execption pointer that FS:[0] points to.  This get_thread
        // code can then get the thread pointer via FS.
        // Warning:  This routine must NEVER be inlined since we'd end up with
        //           multiple offsets.
        volatile Thread* wrapperthread = thread;

        if ( ThreadLocalStorage::get_thread_ptr_offset() == 0 ) {
          int thread_ptr_offset;
          __asm {
            lea eax, dword ptr wrapperthread;
            sub eax, dword ptr FS:[0H];
            mov thread_ptr_offset, eax
    #ifdef ASSERT
        // Verify that the offset hasn't changed since we initally captured
        // it. This might happen if we accidentally ended up with an
        // inlined version of this routine.
        else {
          int test_thread_ptr_offset;
          __asm {
            lea eax, dword ptr wrapperthread;
            sub eax, dword ptr FS:[0H];
            mov test_thread_ptr_offset, eax
          assert(test_thread_ptr_offset == ThreadLocalStorage::get_thread_ptr_offset(),
                 "thread pointer offset from SEH changed");
    #endif // ASSERT
    #endif // !AMD64

        f(value, method, args, thread);
      } __except(topLevelExceptionFilter((_EXCEPTION_POINTERS*)_exception_info())) {
          // Nothing to do.

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