
定義場所(file name)



// Entry points & stack frame layout
// Here we generate the various kind of entries into the interpreter.
// The two main entry type are generic bytecode methods and native call method.
// These both come in synchronized and non-synchronized versions but the
// frame layout they create is very similar. The other method entry
// types are really just special purpose entries that are really entry
// and interpretation all in one. These are for trivial methods like
// accessor, empty, or special math methods.
// When control flow reaches any of the entry types for the interpreter
// the following holds ->
// C2 Calling Conventions:
// The entry code below assumes that the following registers are set
// when coming in:
//    G5_method: holds the methodOop of the method to call
//    Lesp:    points to the TOS of the callers expression stack
//             after having pushed all the parameters
// The entry code does the following to setup an interpreter frame
//   pop parameters from the callers stack by adjusting Lesp
//   set O0 to Lesp
//   compute X = (max_locals - num_parameters)
//   bump SP up by X to accomadate the extra locals
//   compute X = max_expression_stack
//               + vm_local_words
//               + 16 words of register save area
//   save frame doing a save sp, -X, sp growing towards lower addresses
//   set Lbcp, Lmethod, LcpoolCache
//   set Llocals to i0
//   set Lmonitors to FP - rounded_vm_local_words
//   set Lesp to Lmonitors - 4
//  The frame has now been setup to do the rest of the entry code

// Try this optimization:  Most method entries could live in a
// "one size fits all" stack frame without all the dynamic size
// calculations.  It might be profitable to do all this calculation
// statically and approximately for "small enough" methods.


// C1 Calling conventions
// Upon method entry, the following registers are setup:
// g2 G2_thread: current thread
// g5 G5_method: method to activate
// g4 Gargs  : pointer to last argument
// Stack:
// +---------------+ <--- sp
// |               |
// : reg save area :
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x40
// |               |
// : extra 7 slots :      note: these slots are not really needed for the interpreter (fix later)
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x5c
// |               |
// :     free      :
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- Gargs
// |               |
// :   arguments   :
// |               |
// +---------------+
// |               |
// AFTER FRAME HAS BEEN SETUP for method interpretation the stack looks like:
// +---------------+ <--- sp
// |               |
// : reg save area :
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x40
// |               |
// : extra 7 slots :      note: these slots are not really needed for the interpreter (fix later)
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- sp + 0x5c
// |               |
// :               :
// |               | <--- Lesp
// +---------------+ <--- Lmonitors (fp - 0x18)
// |   VM locals   |
// +---------------+ <--- fp
// |               |
// : reg save area :
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- fp + 0x40
// |               |
// : extra 7 slots :      note: these slots are not really needed for the interpreter (fix later)
// |               |
// +---------------+ <--- fp + 0x5c
// |               |
// :     free      :
// |               |
// +---------------+
// |               |
// : nonarg locals :
// |               |
// +---------------+
// |               |
// :   arguments   :
// |               | <--- Llocals
// +---------------+ <--- Gargs
// |               |

名前(function name)

address AbstractInterpreterGenerator::generate_method_entry(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (変数宣言など)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // determine code generation flags
      bool synchronized = false;
      address entry_point = NULL;

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) 以下でメソッドエントリ部の処理を行うコードを生成し, その先頭アドレスをリターンする.

      引数で指定されたメソッド種別(kind)に応じて, 以下の関数を呼び分けている.
      (InterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry() は, 他のどれにも当てはまらない一般的な場合に使用)
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_abstract_entry()     
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_accessor_entry()     
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_empty_entry()        
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_method_handle_entry()
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_Reference_get_entry()
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_native_entry()
      * InterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry()

      (なお, x86 版と異なり, sparc 版では InterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry() のケースがない)

      (なお, InterpreterGenerator::generate_native_entry() と 
       InterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry() のケースについては, 
       synchronized かどうかに応じて呼び出し時の引数の true/false が変わる.)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      switch (kind) {
        case Interpreter::zerolocals             :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized: synchronized = true;                                                        break;
        case Interpreter::native                 : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_native_entry(false);  break;
        case Interpreter::native_synchronized    : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_native_entry(true);   break;
        case Interpreter::empty                  : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_empty_entry();        break;
        case Interpreter::accessor               : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_accessor_entry();     break;
        case Interpreter::abstract               : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_abstract_entry();     break;
        case Interpreter::method_handle          : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_method_handle_entry(); break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_sin     :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_cos     :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_tan     :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_sqrt    :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_abs     :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_log     :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_math_log10   :                                                                             break;
        case Interpreter::java_lang_ref_reference_get
                                                 : entry_point = ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_Reference_get_entry(); break;
        default                                  : ShouldNotReachHere();                                                       break;

      if (entry_point) return entry_point;

      return ((InterpreterGenerator*)this)->generate_normal_entry(synchronized);

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