int SignatureIterator::parse_type() {
{- -------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- -}
// Note: This function could be simplified by using "return T_XXX_size;"
// instead of the assignment and the break statements. However, it
// seems that the product build for win32_i486 with MS VC++ 6.0 doesn't
// work (stack underflow for some tests) - this seems to be a VC++ 6.0
// compiler bug (was problem - gri 4/27/2000).
int size = -1;
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (以下, シグネチャ文字列の文字に応じて分岐し,
型に応じた do_<type>() メソッドを呼び出す.
ついでに, 読み取った分だけ _index を前に進めている
(このため, 次に parse するときは次の文字からになる).
返値は, それぞれの型に対応した T_<type>_size 定数値.)
---------------------------------------- -}
switch(_signature->byte_at(_index)) {
case 'B': do_byte (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_BYTE;
_index++; size = T_BYTE_size ; break;
case 'C': do_char (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_CHAR;
_index++; size = T_CHAR_size ; break;
case 'D': do_double(); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_DOUBLE;
_index++; size = T_DOUBLE_size ; break;
case 'F': do_float (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_FLOAT;
_index++; size = T_FLOAT_size ; break;
case 'I': do_int (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_INT;
_index++; size = T_INT_size ; break;
case 'J': do_long (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_LONG;
_index++; size = T_LONG_size ; break;
case 'S': do_short (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_SHORT;
_index++; size = T_SHORT_size ; break;
case 'Z': do_bool (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_BOOLEAN;
_index++; size = T_BOOLEAN_size; break;
case 'V': do_void (); if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_VOID;
_index++; size = T_VOID_size; ; break;
case 'L':
{ int begin = ++_index;
Symbol* sig = _signature;
while (sig->byte_at(_index++) != ';') ;
do_object(begin, _index);
if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_OBJECT;
size = T_OBJECT_size;
case '[':
{ int begin = ++_index;
Symbol* sig = _signature;
while (sig->byte_at(_index) == '[') {
if (sig->byte_at(_index) == 'L') {
while (sig->byte_at(_index++) != ';') ;
} else {
do_array(begin, _index);
if (_parameter_index < 0 ) _return_type = T_ARRAY;
size = T_ARRAY_size;
assert(size >= 0, "size must be set");
return size;
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