(コメントでは二重送信を防止するための関数と書かれているが, どんなケースで二重送信になる?? #TODO bytecode 命令が融合されている時(?)やシングルステップと併用されている時のようだが...??)
// Given that a new (potential) event has come in,
// maintain the current JVMTI location on a per-thread per-env basis
// and use it to filter out duplicate events:
// - instruction rewrites
// - breakpoint followed by single step
// - single step at a breakpoint
void JvmtiEnvThreadState::compare_and_set_current_location(methodOop new_method,
address new_location, jvmtiEvent event) {
int new_bci = new_location - new_method->code_base();
// The method is identified and stored as a jmethodID which is safe in this
// case because the class cannot be unloaded while a method is executing.
jmethodID new_method_id = new_method->jmethod_id();
// the last breakpoint or single step was at this same location
if (_current_bci == new_bci && _current_method_id == new_method_id) {
switch (event) {
// Repeat breakpoint is complicated. If we previously posted a breakpoint
// event at this location and if we also single stepped at this location
// then we skip the duplicate breakpoint.
_breakpoint_posted = _breakpoint_posted && _single_stepping_posted;
// Repeat single step is easy: just don't post it again.
// If step is pending for popframe then it may not be
// a repeat step. The new_bci and method_id is same as current_bci
// and current method_id after pop and step for recursive calls.
// This has been handled by clearing the location
_single_stepping_posted = true;
assert(false, "invalid event value passed");
set_current_location(new_method_id, new_bci);
_breakpoint_posted = false;
_single_stepping_posted = false;
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