
定義場所(file name)


名前(function name)

  static void increment(klassOop k) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this() を呼んで, 
      予めセットしておいた JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure オブジェクトを取り出す 
      (See: JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure())
      ---------------------------------------- -}

        JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure* that = JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::get_this();

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) JvmtiGetLoadedClassesClosure::set_count() を必要な回数だけ呼んでカウントアップする.
      ---------------------------------------- -}

        if (that->get_initiatingLoader() == NULL) {
          for (klassOop l = k; l != NULL; l = Klass::cast(l)->array_klass_or_null()) {
            that->set_count(that->get_count() + 1);
        } else if (k != NULL) {
          // if initiating loader not null, just include the instance with 1 dimension
          that->set_count(that->get_count() + 1);

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