
定義場所(file name)



// This method removes entries from an SATB buffer that will not be
// useful to the concurrent marking threads. An entry is removed if it
// satisfies one of the following conditions:
// * it points to an object outside the G1 heap (G1's concurrent
//     marking only visits objects inside the G1 heap),
// * it points to an object that has been allocated since marking
//     started (according to SATB those objects do not need to be
//     visited during marking), or
// * it points to an object that has already been marked (no need to
//     process it again).
// The rest of the entries will be retained and are compacted towards
// the top of the buffer. If with this filtering we clear a large
// enough chunk of the buffer we can re-use it (instead of enqueueing
// it) and we can just allow the mutator to carry on executing.

名前(function name)

bool ObjPtrQueue::should_enqueue_buffer() {


      assert(_lock == NULL || _lock->owned_by_self(),
             "we should have taken the lock before calling this");

      // A value of 0 means "don't filter SATB buffers".
      if (G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent == 0) {
        return true;

      G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();

      // This method should only be called if there is a non-NULL buffer
      // that is full.
      assert(_index == 0, "pre-condition");
      assert(_buf != NULL, "pre-condition");

      void** buf = _buf;
      size_t sz = _sz;

      // Used for sanity checking at the end of the loop.
      debug_only(size_t entries = 0; size_t retained = 0;)

      size_t i = sz;
      size_t new_index = sz;

      // Given that we are expecting _index == 0, we could have changed
      // the loop condition to (i > 0). But we are using _index for
      // generality.
      while (i > _index) {
        assert(i > 0, "we should have at least one more entry to process");
        i -= oopSize;
        debug_only(entries += 1;)
        oop* p = (oop*) &buf[byte_index_to_index((int) i)];
        oop obj = *p;
        // NULL the entry so that unused parts of the buffer contain NULLs
        // at the end. If we are going to retain it we will copy it to its
        // final place. If we have retained all entries we have visited so
        // far, we'll just end up copying it to the same place.
        *p = NULL;

        bool retain = g1h->is_obj_ill(obj);
        if (retain) {
          assert(new_index > 0, "we should not have already filled up the buffer");
          new_index -= oopSize;
          assert(new_index >= i,
                 "new_index should never be below i, as we alwaysr compact 'up'");
          oop* new_p = (oop*) &buf[byte_index_to_index((int) new_index)];
          assert(new_p >= p, "the destination location should never be below "
                 "the source as we always compact 'up'");
          assert(*new_p == NULL,
                 "we should have already cleared the destination location");
          *new_p = obj;
          debug_only(retained += 1;)
      size_t entries_calc = (sz - _index) / oopSize;
      assert(entries == entries_calc, "the number of entries we counted "
             "should match the number of entries we calculated");
      size_t retained_calc = (sz - new_index) / oopSize;
      assert(retained == retained_calc, "the number of retained entries we counted "
             "should match the number of retained entries we calculated");
      size_t perc = retained_calc * 100 / entries_calc;
      bool should_enqueue = perc > (size_t) G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent;
      _index = new_index;

      return should_enqueue;

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