YoungList::reset_auxilary_lists() {
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (assert)
---------------------------------------- -}
guarantee( is_empty(), "young list should be empty" );
assert(check_list_well_formed(), "young list should be well formed");
{- -------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- -}
// Add survivor regions to SurvRateGroup.
_g1h->g1_policy()->finished_recalculating_age_indexes(true /* is_survivors */);
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) _survivor_head フィールドに格納されている Survivor 相当の領域全てに対し, #TODO
---------------------------------------- -}
for (HeapRegion* curr = _survivor_head;
curr != NULL;
curr = curr->get_next_young_region()) {
// The region is a non-empty survivor so let's add it to
// the incremental collection set for the next evacuation
// pause.
{- -------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- -}
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) _head フィールドに格納しているリストを
_survivor_head フィールドに格納されている Survivor 相当の領域のリストに置き換える.
(ついでに _length フィールドも _survivor_length の値に置き換える)
(ついでに, _survivor_head フィールドが NULL でなかった場合には
---------------------------------------- -}
_head = _survivor_head;
_length = _survivor_length;
if (_survivor_head != NULL) {
assert(_survivor_tail != NULL, "cause it shouldn't be");
assert(_survivor_length > 0, "invariant");
{- -------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- -}
// Don't clear the survivor list handles until the start of
// the next evacuation pause - we need it in order to re-tag
// the survivor regions from this evacuation pause as 'young'
// at the start of the next.
_g1h->g1_policy()->finished_recalculating_age_indexes(false /* is_survivors */);
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (assert)
---------------------------------------- -}
assert(check_list_well_formed(), "young list should be well formed");
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