// Dump stack trace of threads specified in the given threads array.
// Returns StackTraceElement[][] each element is the stack trace of a thread in
// the corresponding entry in the given threads array
Handle ThreadService::dump_stack_traces(GrowableArray<instanceHandle>* threads,
int num_threads,
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (assert)
---------------------------------------- -}
assert(num_threads > 0, "just checking");
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) VM_ThreadDump::doit() でスタックトレースを取得する.
---------------------------------------- -}
ThreadDumpResult dump_result;
VM_ThreadDump op(&dump_result,
-1, /* entire stack */
false, /* with locked monitors */
false /* with locked synchronizers */);
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 返値は java.lang.StackTraceElement[][] としてリターンする必要があるので,
oopFactory::new_objArray() で新しい java.lang.StackTraceElement[][] オブジェクトを確保し
VM_ThreadDump::doit() の結果をそちらに詰め直す.
---------------------------------------- -}
// Allocate the resulting StackTraceElement[][] object
ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
klassOop k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(vmSymbols::java_lang_StackTraceElement_array(), true, CHECK_NH);
objArrayKlassHandle ik (THREAD, k);
objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(ik(), num_threads, CHECK_NH);
objArrayHandle result_obj(THREAD, r);
int num_snapshots = dump_result.num_snapshots();
assert(num_snapshots == num_threads, "Must have num_threads thread snapshots");
int i = 0;
for (ThreadSnapshot* ts = dump_result.snapshots(); ts != NULL; i++, ts = ts->next()) {
ThreadStackTrace* stacktrace = ts->get_stack_trace();
if (stacktrace == NULL) {
// No stack trace
result_obj->obj_at_put(i, NULL);
} else {
// Construct an array of java/lang/StackTraceElement object
Handle backtrace_h = stacktrace->allocate_fill_stack_trace_element_array(CHECK_NH);
result_obj->obj_at_put(i, backtrace_h());
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 結果をリターン
---------------------------------------- -}
return result_obj;
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