
定義場所(file name)


名前(function name)

void PSParallelCompact::summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm,
                                      bool maximum_compaction)


  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (トレース出力)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      EventMark m("2 summarize");
      TraceTime tm("summary phase", print_phases(), true, gclog_or_tty);
      // trace("2");

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (トレース出力)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

    #ifdef  ASSERT
      if (TraceParallelOldGCMarkingPhase) {
        tty->print_cr("add_obj_count=" SIZE_FORMAT " "
                      "add_obj_bytes=" SIZE_FORMAT,
                      add_obj_count, add_obj_size * HeapWordSize);
        tty->print_cr("mark_bitmap_count=" SIZE_FORMAT " "
                      "mark_bitmap_bytes=" SIZE_FORMAT,
                      mark_bitmap_count, mark_bitmap_size * HeapWordSize);
    #endif  // #ifdef ASSERT

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) PSParallelCompact::summarize_spaces_quick() を呼んで, 
      各ヒープ領域中の live オブジェクト量を計算する.
      (この値は, 各ヒープ領域に対応する SpaceInfo オブジェクトの SpaceInfo::new_top() に格納され, 
       以下の処理中で _space_info[*].new_top() で参照されている)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Quick summarization of each space into itself, to see how much is live.

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (トレース出力)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
        tty->print_cr("summary_phase:  after summarizing each space to self");
        if (Verbose) {
          NOT_PRODUCT(print_initial_summary_data(_summary_data, _space_info));

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (変数宣言など)
      (old_space_total_live は, コンパクション後に Old 領域に入るオブジェクト量.
       maximum_compaction は, 上記コンパクション後のオブジェクト量(old_space_total_live)が 
       Old 領域の大きさ(capacity)を上回るかどうかを示す boolean(上回るなら true).)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // The amount of live data that will end up in old space (assuming it fits).
      size_t old_space_total_live = 0;
      assert(perm_space_id < old_space_id, "should not count perm data here");
      for (unsigned int id = old_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
        old_space_total_live += pointer_delta(_space_info[id].new_top(),

      MutableSpace* const old_space = _space_info[old_space_id].space();
      const size_t old_capacity = old_space->capacity_in_words();
      if (old_space_total_live > old_capacity) {
        // XXX - should also try to expand
        maximum_compaction = true;

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (デバッグ用の処理)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

    #ifndef PRODUCT
      if (ParallelOldGCSplitALot && old_space_total_live < old_capacity) {
    #endif // #ifndef PRODUCT

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) PSParallelCompact::summarize_space() を2回呼び出して, 
      それぞれ Perm 領域と Old 領域に関して, 
      summary 情報を計算する.
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Permanent and Old generations.
      summarize_space(perm_space_id, maximum_compaction);
      summarize_space(old_space_id, maximum_compaction);

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) 以下の for ループ内で, New 領域内の領域 (Eden, From, To) に対して
      ParallelCompactData::summarize() を呼び出し, 
      それぞれの summary 情報を計算する.

      これらの領域については, コンパクション先は Old 領域とする.
      ただし, 全ての live オブジェクトが Old 領域に入りきらない場合は, 
      Old 領域及び自分自身をコンパクション先とする.

      (なお, そもそも領域中に live オブジェクトが 1つもない場合(以下の live > 0 が false になる場合)は, 
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      // Summarize the remaining spaces in the young gen.  The initial target space
      // is the old gen.  If a space does not fit entirely into the target, then the
      // remainder is compacted into the space itself and that space becomes the new
      // target.
      SpaceId dst_space_id = old_space_id;
      HeapWord* dst_space_end = old_space->end();
      HeapWord** new_top_addr = _space_info[dst_space_id].new_top_addr();
      for (unsigned int id = eden_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
        const MutableSpace* space = _space_info[id].space();
        const size_t live = pointer_delta(_space_info[id].new_top(),
        const size_t available = pointer_delta(dst_space_end, *new_top_addr);

        NOT_PRODUCT(summary_phase_msg(dst_space_id, *new_top_addr, dst_space_end,
                                      SpaceId(id), space->bottom(), space->top());)

    {- -------------------------------------------
  (1.1) (以下が, 全ての live オブジェクトが Old 領域に入りきる場合の処理)
        (この場合, Old 領域をターゲットとして ParallelCompactData::summarize() が呼び出される)
        ---------------------------------------- -}

        if (live > 0 && live <= available) {
          // All the live data will fit.
          bool done = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
                                              space->bottom(), space->top(),
                                              *new_top_addr, dst_space_end,
          assert(done, "space must fit into old gen");

          // Reset the new_top value for the space.

    {- -------------------------------------------
  (1.1) (以下が, Old 領域に入りきらない場合の処理)
        (この場合, Old 領域用と自分自身用に, ParallelCompactData::summarize() が2回呼び出される)
        ---------------------------------------- -}

        } else if (live > 0) {
          // Attempt to fit part of the source space into the target space.
          HeapWord* next_src_addr = NULL;
          bool done = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
                                              space->bottom(), space->top(),
                                              *new_top_addr, dst_space_end,
          assert(!done, "space should not fit into old gen");
          assert(next_src_addr != NULL, "sanity");

          // The source space becomes the new target, so the remainder is compacted
          // within the space itself.
          dst_space_id = SpaceId(id);
          dst_space_end = space->end();
          new_top_addr = _space_info[id].new_top_addr();
                                        space->bottom(), dst_space_end,
                                        SpaceId(id), next_src_addr, space->top());)
          done = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
                                         next_src_addr, space->top(),
                                         space->bottom(), dst_space_end,
          assert(done, "space must fit when compacted into itself");
          assert(*new_top_addr <= space->top(), "usage should not grow");

  {- -------------------------------------------
  (1) (トレース出力)
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
        tty->print_cr("summary_phase:  after final summarization");
        if (Verbose) {
          NOT_PRODUCT(print_generic_summary_data(_summary_data, _space_info));

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