
定義場所(file name)


名前(function name)

ThreadSnapshot::ThreadSnapshot(JavaThread* thread) {


  {- -------------------------------------------
      ---------------------------------------- -}

      _thread = thread;
      _threadObj = thread->threadObj();
      _stack_trace = NULL;
      _concurrent_locks = NULL;
      _next = NULL;

      ThreadStatistics* stat = thread->get_thread_stat();
      _contended_enter_ticks = stat->contended_enter_ticks();
      _contended_enter_count = stat->contended_enter_count();
      _monitor_wait_ticks = stat->monitor_wait_ticks();
      _monitor_wait_count = stat->monitor_wait_count();
      _sleep_ticks = stat->sleep_ticks();
      _sleep_count = stat->sleep_count();

      _blocker_object = NULL;
      _blocker_object_owner = NULL;

      _thread_status = java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status(_threadObj);
      _is_ext_suspended = thread->is_being_ext_suspended();
      _is_in_native = (thread->thread_state() == _thread_in_native);

      if (_thread_status == java_lang_Thread::BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER ||
          _thread_status == java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT ||
          _thread_status == java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED) {

        Handle obj = ThreadService::get_current_contended_monitor(thread);
        if (obj() == NULL) {
          // monitor no longer exists; thread is not blocked
          _thread_status = java_lang_Thread::RUNNABLE;
        } else {
          _blocker_object = obj();
          JavaThread* owner = ObjectSynchronizer::get_lock_owner(obj, false);
          if ((owner == NULL && _thread_status == java_lang_Thread::BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER)
              || (owner != NULL && owner->is_attaching())) {
            // ownership information of the monitor is not available
            // (may no longer be owned or releasing to some other thread)
            // make this thread in RUNNABLE state.
            // And when the owner thread is in attaching state, the java thread
            // is not completely initialized. For example thread name and id
            // and may not be set, so hide the attaching thread.
            _thread_status = java_lang_Thread::RUNNABLE;
            _blocker_object = NULL;
          } else if (owner != NULL) {
            _blocker_object_owner = owner->threadObj();

      // Support for JSR-166 locks
      if (JDK_Version::current().supports_thread_park_blocker() &&
            (_thread_status == java_lang_Thread::PARKED ||
             _thread_status == java_lang_Thread::PARKED_TIMED)) {

        _blocker_object = thread->current_park_blocker();
        if (_blocker_object != NULL && _blocker_object->is_a(SystemDictionary::abstract_ownable_synchronizer_klass())) {
          _blocker_object_owner = java_util_concurrent_locks_AbstractOwnableSynchronizer::get_owner_threadObj(_blocker_object);

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