// Relocate jsr/rets in a method. This can't be done with the rewriter
// stage because it can throw other exceptions, leaving the bytecodes
// pointing at constant pool cache entries.
// Link and check jvmti dependencies while we're iterating over the methods.
// JSR292 code calls with a different set of methods, so two entry points.
void Rewriter::relocate_and_link(instanceKlassHandle this_oop, TRAPS) {
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (変数宣言など)
---------------------------------------- -}
objArrayHandle methods(THREAD, this_oop->methods());
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 引数違いの Rewriter::relocate_and_link() を呼び出し, 結果をリターン.
---------------------------------------- -}
relocate_and_link(this_oop, methods, THREAD);
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