// Some recursive calls from the verifier to the name resolver
// can cause the current class to be re-verified and rewritten.
// If this happens, the original verification should not continue,
// because constant pool indexes will have changed.
// The rewriter is preceded by the verifier. If the verifier throws
// an error, rewriting is prevented. Also, rewriting always precedes
// bytecode execution or compilation. Thus, is_rewritten implies
// that a class has been verified and prepared for execution.
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 既に rewrite 処理まで完了していれば true をリターン.
(verify 処理は rewrite 処理の前に実行されるので,
rewrite まで終わっていれば verify 処理は終わっているはず)
---------------------------------------- -}
bool was_recursively_verified() { return _klass->is_rewritten(); }
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