* Execute the given command in the target VM.
InputStream execute(String cmd, Object ... args) throws AgentLoadException, IOException {
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) (assert)
---------------------------------------- -}
assert args.length <= 3; // includes null
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 既に detach 済みであれば IOException.
(See: sun.tools.attach.SolarisVirtualMachine.detach())
---------------------------------------- -}
// first check that we are still attached
int door;
synchronized (this) {
if (fd == -1) {
throw new IOException("Detached from target VM");
door = fd;
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) door 経由で, 指定されたコマンド (及びその引数) を通知する.
---------------------------------------- -}
// enqueue the command via a door call
int s = enqueue(door, cmd, args);
assert s >= 0; // valid file descriptor
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 処理の終了ステータスを door 経由で読み取る
---------------------------------------- -}
// The door call returns a file descriptor (one end of a socket pair).
// Create an input stream around it.
SocketInputStream sis = new SocketInputStream(s);
// Read the command completion status
int completionStatus;
try {
completionStatus = readInt(sis);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) もし処理がエラーを起こしていたら, 適切な例外をスロー.
---------------------------------------- -}
// If non-0 it means an error but we need to special-case the
// "load" command to ensure that the right exception is thrown.
if (completionStatus != 0) {
if (cmd.equals("load")) {
throw new AgentLoadException("Failed to load agent library");
} else {
throw new IOException("Command failed in target VM");
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) 処理結果を読むための SocketInputStream オブジェクトをリターン.
---------------------------------------- -}
// Return the input stream so that the command output can be read
return sis;
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