static int
ContinueInNewThread(InvocationFunctions* ifn, int argc, char **argv,
int mode, char *what, int ret)
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) もし threadStackSize が指定されていなければ, JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs() でデフォルトのスタックサイズを取得する.
(JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs() は, JNI_VERSION_1_1 が指定されると(なぜか?)デフォルトのスタックサイズを返してくれる.
See: JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs())
---------------------------------------- -}
* If user doesn't specify stack size, check if VM has a preference.
* Note that HotSpot no longer supports JNI_VERSION_1_1 but it will
* return its default stack size through the init args structure.
if (threadStackSize == 0) {
struct JDK1_1InitArgs args1_1;
memset((void*)&args1_1, 0, sizeof(args1_1));
args1_1.version = JNI_VERSION_1_1;
ifn->GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&args1_1); /* ignore return value */
if (args1_1.javaStackSize > 0) {
threadStackSize = args1_1.javaStackSize;
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) ContinueInNewThread0() を呼んで Java プログラムの実行を行う.
---------------------------------------- -}
{ /* Create a new thread to create JVM and invoke main method */
JavaMainArgs args;
int rslt;
args.argc = argc;
args.argv = argv;
args.mode = mode;
args.what = what;
args.ifn = *ifn;
rslt = ContinueInNewThread0(JavaMain, threadStackSize, (void*)&args);
{- -------------------------------------------
(1) リターン.
(もし caller から渡された ret 引数が 0 でなければそれを返す.
0 であれば ContinueInNewThread0 の返値を返す.)
---------------------------------------- -}
/* If the caller has deemed there is an error we
* simply return that, otherwise we return the value of
* the callee
return (ret != 0) ? ret : rslt;
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